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    Despite the numerous examples and variety of parent training courses (see the multifarious social coaching offers), evidence-based guidelines for designing, implementing and running online parent training programmes for parents of children with behavioral disabilities are not available. Moreover, parent training techniques are not widely studied by students in social pedagogy and social worker study programs.

    The ESEC project will provide social educators with the comptences needed for designing and running parent training courses in an online environment. It will realize an innovative parent training programme for parents of children with behavioral disabilities in order to extend and develop the current competence and skills of both social educators and support teachers.

    The ESEC project main expected RESULTS are:
    - evidence-based guidelines for designing, implementing and running parent training programmes
    - a 2.0 educational programme that tackles all issues, theoretical and practical, related to parent training and includes a training course for parents of children with behavioral disabilities

    The training course is an application of the evidence-based guidelines since the ESEC project foresees that learners will use the guidelines to design, implement and run a parent training course for a specific group of parents (parents of children with behavioral disabilities), under the supervision of experts (special pedagogues, social pedagogues, psychologists, social anthropologists, and expert in social media).

    The ESEC training approach focuses on teaching techniques, as well as on indirect and direct teaching strategies and on relational practices. Indirect teaching strategies are aimed to increase social responsiveness of parents. The learners’ preparation will consist of didactic and hands-on training in using the parent training techniques.

    The ESEC CONSORTIUM is formed of 5 partners will complementary expertise in teaching and learning. It includes 2 HE institutions, 1 fundation, and 2 NGOs.


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